Tuesday, July 30, 2019

SAR pups get their first exposure to site of collapsed buildings - simulated earthquake site

Video of rubble-site training shows how we commence training with pups at three months old on a site specially designed by the IDF to simulate fallout of earthquakes, or collapsed buildings due to rocket attacks, G-d forbid:
The pups are exposed to the site and learn to indicate where there are people trapped under the rubble who await rescue.
                                                                      Earthquake Predicted
Scientists predict that Israel is due for a major earthquake in the near future (Israel experiences a major quake approximately every 95 years). If such a quake would hit Israel, along the Syrian-African fault line, with the intensity of the last major quake, 400,000 buildings could collapse leaving an estimated 15,000 people dead or trapped alive under the rubble.
We must prepare for such a possibility and train many more SAR dogs and handlers. One need not wait to catch a pneumonia to buy an umbrella (reference to a Max Nordau quote brought down by Zev Jabotinsky in his speeches and in his book – Story of The Jewish Legion, who asked why Jews were not more pro-active to save themselves from obvious future threats and calamities, and why do they always seem to wait until disaster arrives to begin to deal with problems that should have been foreseen long ago?)
Indeed one need not wait until an earthquake hits Israel or until hundreds if not thousands of buildings collapse due to Hizbullah rocket attacks in the next war. He who is smart sees the future. Especially when the obvious fallout so prominently steers us right in the face. He who cooks for Shabbat, eats on Shabbat. He who supports the Israel Dog Unit today, saves many lives today and in the future.
The Jewish People don’t only have to be the best at responding. In fact, I’m sick and tired of unnecessary death caused by the mindset of ignoring prevention and sufficing for cleaning up a mess that should never have occurred. This is equally true when it comes to training and readying ourselves with SAR dogs as well as security dogs to patrol Jewish towns and to keep the terrorists out of the “settlements”. I don’t want to downplay the importance of those who engage in this holy work, after the the tragedy hits so as to minimize the negative effects of the damage after the fact, but let us be smart and to prevent the damage in advance, to the best of our ability. 

To donate to the Israel Dog Unit:

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