Israel Dog Unit helps search for missing people after bus
crash in Maaleh Levonah
At 4.12 AM this morning Friday Jan. 27/01 (Lminyananm) The Israel Dog Unit received an emergency call
for help from Meir, Chief of Operations for the Shomron Police Rescue Unit: “Mike,
we need your help, a bus crashed through the guard-rail near Maaleh Levona,
flipping down the steep hill to the valley below. Two were found dead, four others were found
injured and at least two more people are missing. They flew out of the bus as
it flipped over and over again and we can’t seem to locate them. Can you bring
dogs with capabilities to find living people? Can you also bring cadaver dogs
to recover possible dead people?” Naturally we agreed to come with dogs. I woke
the guys up immediately. Within 30 minutes we were ushered in by police and
army on to the slope where the bus had landed, hundreds of yards half way down
toward the valley. We had 8 handlers, 5 rescue dogs and one cadaver dog with
us. The heavy rain and mud combined with the steep incline making this a
complex search. By 7.00 AM we gave the ok that the area was clear, everyone had
been accounted for. I am proud to say that our volunteers operated swiftly and
professionally. The army dog unit only showed up after our dogs and handers had
been on the scene for more than an hour.
Our noble volunteers deserve all the credit in the world.
They had only returned from a search in Ashqelon hours before this emergency
call about the bus at Maaleh Levona. We had worked almost non-stop in Ashqelon
from Wednesday afternoon until Thursday evening, looking for Jeremy Maxim.
(Jeremy has yet to be found, please see attached photo
and help forward wherever you can online and offline). Our volunteers
worked with the dogs and our drone near the North Ashqelon shore through the
night and most of Thursday, returning back to Sde Bar and to Tapuach base. After
a few hours of rest they were off again to save the lives of those injured in
the bus crash.
Dog training schedule this week with Zhenya
Dog training this week will be G-d willing on Sunday Jan.
29,17 Lminyanam as follows: 10:00 AM in
Gush Etzyon.And later: 4.00 PM in Kfar
Tapuach. If you would like to come please confirm a time-sot in advance and
please call once again before leaving to the training to make certain all is still
on schedule as planned.
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